Also this month, we celebrated our 7th anniversary! Wow, we can't believe that we have been married for 7 years. It has gone by so fast, and we have had so much fun together. We have had the opportunity to experience so many amazing things, and we are so thankful for that. I am so blessed to have Kevin as my husband. I could have never asked for a more perfect husband. It is amazing to see how God put us together for very specific reasons and how He knew exactly what I needed, even when I didn't have a clue. He is so selfless and giving. He sacrifices for me everyday, and he is going to make an amazing father. He found roses for me that had purple baby's breath, which was perfect because our wedding colors were red and purple. He did very well!
Finally, we have received a couple of tidbits of information from our adoption agency. 1) The courts in Ethiopia are still running behind due to an increased number of cases to work through and the need for increased legislative staff. So, from what we understand, the country is working to hire more federal judges, so they will have the staff they need to effectively manage all of the adoption cases. So, we are praying that they will be able to hire the judges they need quickly, and they will be able to assume their positions quickly. 2) As June gets closer, the agency will set a cut off date for referrals due to the yearly court closure in August. So, as the spring gets closer, then we will know what date we would need to receive our referral by to be able to travel before August and bring our baby home. If we do not make that cut off date, then we will travel to Ethiopia in the fall. So, we are praying that we make the earlier date. We know that God has the perfect timing, and we are trusting Him for that. We do covet and appreciate your prayers.