Friday, April 9, 2010


Well, we have finally made it to Ethiopia, and we met our sweet, precious daughter this morning at approximately 9:00 am this morning Ethiopia time! I don't even know how to put into words what that moment was like, and obviously we are still processing it. There are several adoptive families with our agency, who are all awesome and such wonderful people to know. We all went together this morning and waited downstairs at the care center for them to call our names individually. By the way, the care center is amazing! It is so beautiful, and the staff are all wonderful! We were towards the last couples to get called. So, we waited as patiently as we could and celebrated with each family who walked up the stairs and then back down again a few minutes later with their precious child! It has really been one of the most beautiful things we have ever seen watching these families be united forever! So, they called our names and they took us to Abigail's room. We both kind of wondered if we would recognize her immediately because the last picture we had was over a month ago, and we didn't know how much she would have changed. We walked into her room and saw all these little beds lining the walls and all these sweet litte children all huddled up playing on a mat with the nannies. We immediately spotted her as we rounded the corner and of course the tears came flowing. The social worker walked her over to us. She isn't walking on her own but she can take steps with you holding her hands. Abigail was very nervous and kept looking at the social worker to get approval. She held onto my hands for a little bit, and then she finally came to me. She whimpered some, but she did okay. She just hung on and kept her head on our shoulders whenever we were holding her. Later today, we got see her smile, hear her giggle and hear her babble. She is definitely warming up to us. The really hard part was leaving her tonight and she cried when we left. So, today has been wonderful! We can't wait to see her in the morning! We'll update again soon if we can.