Well, January has been full of goodbyes. Andrea's younger brother and family moved to Eastern Europe and Kevin's younger brother moved to Southeast Asia and both will be in their respective places for a few years doing different types of work. We are very excited for them, but it was really difficult to see them go. They are doing well, and we have been able to communicate fairly frequently, so that has been really good. Thank goodness for Skype. If you have family that lives out of town or overseas, you should totally check out Skype. You can just download it online, and it is free if your family or friend has Skype as well. It really is awesome! So, I get to see my nephews on a weekly basis. It's not the same as hugging their little necks, but it is a great option! We are so thankful for our families and the ways they are serving. Please remember them in your prayers as you think of them.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Saying Goodbye
Well, January has been full of goodbyes. Andrea's younger brother and family moved to Eastern Europe and Kevin's younger brother moved to Southeast Asia and both will be in their respective places for a few years doing different types of work. We are very excited for them, but it was really difficult to see them go. They are doing well, and we have been able to communicate fairly frequently, so that has been really good. Thank goodness for Skype. If you have family that lives out of town or overseas, you should totally check out Skype. You can just download it online, and it is free if your family or friend has Skype as well. It really is awesome! So, I get to see my nephews on a weekly basis. It's not the same as hugging their little necks, but it is a great option! We are so thankful for our families and the ways they are serving. Please remember them in your prayers as you think of them.