Sunday, July 19, 2009
More Good News
Hello all, we received an e-mail on Wednesday of this last week letting us know that the courts in Ethiopia, which usually close for the months of August and September, are staying open for August this year. They were not really sure what that meant for September or other months the rest of this year, but everyone is very excited to hear they will be open for August. It just means that more children will be joined with their forever families!!! They also mentioned that they are seeing an increased number in referrals due to a region in the Southern part of the country gaining more access to the adoption system. So, more children are having the opportunity to find permanent, loving homes!!!! So, we are anxiously waiting to see how this will affect our current timeline. We had been told that we could expect to find out about our baby at the end of the summer or early fall, so we will see if it might be a little bit earlier. I am anxious to see the update for this last week, which will come out on Monday. We will let you know!